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User Generated Content, UGC, Marketing Rare: Group User Generated Content, UGC, Marketing Rare: Group

How User Generated Content provides consumer insights

Actively listening to your customers and being aware of the public conversations they’re having about your brand, provides interesting insights into what your audience really thinks and feels about you. This is called user generated content (UGC) and is the perfect way to understand your consumer’s behaviour.

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The Changing Face of Medical Aesthetics

The Medical Aesthetics industry is a complex marketplace that is always evolving. With new products and services available for patients,  staying up-to-date on how the sector is changing from patient/consumer perspective is vitally important for HCOs (healthcare organisations), and HCPs (healthcare professionals). 

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The importance of brand affinity

It’s important for brands to create long lasting relationships with their customers in order to stay relevant in a world that is full of new and exciting products and services. With so much competition, it’s simply not enough to be ‘known’ by your target audience, which is where brand affinity comes into play.

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Healthcare, Wearable Health Technology Rare: Group Healthcare, Wearable Health Technology Rare: Group

Wearable health technology: Taking healthcare into our own hands

Taking healthcare into their own hands, people are able to shift from a ‘point of need’ mindset to a continuous care outlook. Such advancements means that patients and healthcare professionals are able to monitor chronic and serious illnesses day-to-day, from diabetes to chronic diseases and neurological disorders.

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Market Research, Trends 2022, Insights, Healthcare Rare: Group Market Research, Trends 2022, Insights, Healthcare Rare: Group

Top trends in healthcare for 2022

The last two years have seen a shift in behaviours across a variety of sectors, and healthcare is no different. An industry that was midway through a mainly technological shift in behaviours has accelerated at a pace beyond initial expectations in several areas, with the pandemic playing its part in encouraging the adoption of new behaviours, and the desire to be safer in general.

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Healthcare, Self-pay Healthcare, COVID-19 Rare: Group Healthcare, Self-pay Healthcare, COVID-19 Rare: Group

How is COVID-19 shaping the self-pay healthcare industry?

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the UK healthcare system, placing a great strain on the public healthcare system. There has been a vast reduction in many procedures carried out by the NHS, and an increase in wait lists that may take years to return to normal levels. Many consumers who may not previously have used private healthcare are considering the use of self-pay healthcare, as they seek alternatives to NHS wait lists.

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