Top 5 reasons to test your creative campaigns

Testing your creative campaigns is an important part of the creative process, as it allows you to understand which designs are cutting through to your audience in a noisy market. Ultimately, you want your campaigns to generate revenue for your business and not waste money on underperforming ads.

What decisions drive the sign off of a campaign - are they based on insightful data or internal opinion? Are the target audience profiles used to guide the campaign’s creative decisions based on data or assumptions? Remember, your audience is constantly evolving so it’s important you understand what they do and don’t like right now - this is where creative testing comes into play.

There are a number of reasons why you should be testing your creative content before you decide to go live with your campaigns. By testing you can:

  1. Optimise creative campaigns to boost engagement and ROI 

  2. Reduce cost wasted on underperforming campaigns

  3. Compare your creative performance with your competitors

  4. Inform future strategies through post-campaign effectiveness testing

  5. Know your audience better by understanding what resonates with them 

Optimise creative campaigns to boost engagement and ROI

The creative process can be a difficult task to navigate, especially if there are many stakeholders involved in the sign off process. It’s likely that there will be a number of creative ideas produced, so how do you know which one to choose? 

Testing the different creatives, allows you to understand which image, video, CTA (call to action) or even text resonates with your target audience the most. By comparing the different creatives, you’ll have a clearer picture of which creative your target audience is likely to engage with the most, allowing you to invest wisely in the correct campaign.

Reduce cost wasted on underperforming campaigns

Each year, brands waste a huge amount of marketing budget on campaigns that aren’t performing as well as they thought they would in the real world. In fact, it’s said that at least 50% of all advertising is missed by the population.

This is a mistake that can easily be avoided if some time and budget is set aside to test creative beforehand.

Compare your creative performance with your competitors

It’s important to know how people respond to your campaign creative but you also need to be thinking about what your competitors are doing as well. If you have an idea of how people are responding to their campaigns, you’ll be able to gain valuable benchmarking insights into elevating campaign success.

Benchmarking is beneficial in many ways, as it allows you to identify any flaws in your campaigns, understand how well you are performing compared to other competitors and allow you to make continued improvements with your future creative. 

Inform future strategies through post-campaign effectiveness testing

Testing your creative campaigns allows you to understand what is and isn’t working with your target audience. It means that your creative ideas can be honed more tightly, keeping them fresh. Rather than repeating old, existing ideas that didn’t quite hit the mark. 

Know your audience better by understanding what resonates with them

Knowing your audience and what they like is fundamental to growing your business and what better way to get to know them than by getting their feedback firsthand. Listening to your audience allows you to create more targeted campaigns that will resonate with them and drive ROI. 

If you’re interested to find out more about how we can help with your creative testing needs, contact us at


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