UK Laser Market Trends Rare: <> ALMA ACE Conference 2024
Earlier this year we presented at ACE Conference with our clients ALMA Lasers.
In the presentation we covered how the UK market is now looking beyond injectables to other treatment areas.
The data contained in these slides it taken from our Rare: Monitor and Consumer tracker data sets, with a focus on the Energy Device Market.
Highlights from this data include:
Laser Hair Removal is now more popular that Botulinum Toxin.
Around 5.6 million people in the UK are now considering laser hair removal treatment in the next 12 months.
Laser Hair Removal is now the 4 most offered treatment amongst clinics in the UK.
These slides cover:
Consumer Demand for Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Filler, Laser Hair Removal and Vitamin Injections
Estimated Market size for Aesthetics Treatments.
Breakdown of treatments offered by Aesthetics Providers.
Consumer profile of consumers looking for Laser Hair Treatment.
Earlier this year we presented at ACE Conference with our clients ALMA Lasers.
In the presentation we covered how the UK market is now looking beyond injectables to other treatment areas.
The data contained in these slides it taken from our Rare: Monitor and Consumer tracker data sets, with a focus on the Energy Device Market.
Highlights from this data include:
Laser Hair Removal is now more popular that Botulinum Toxin.
Around 5.6 million people in the UK are now considering laser hair removal treatment in the next 12 months.
Laser Hair Removal is now the 4 most offered treatment amongst clinics in the UK.
These slides cover:
Consumer Demand for Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Filler, Laser Hair Removal and Vitamin Injections
Estimated Market size for Aesthetics Treatments.
Breakdown of treatments offered by Aesthetics Providers.
Consumer profile of consumers looking for Laser Hair Treatment.
Earlier this year we presented at ACE Conference with our clients ALMA Lasers.
In the presentation we covered how the UK market is now looking beyond injectables to other treatment areas.
The data contained in these slides it taken from our Rare: Monitor and Consumer tracker data sets, with a focus on the Energy Device Market.
Highlights from this data include:
Laser Hair Removal is now more popular that Botulinum Toxin.
Around 5.6 million people in the UK are now considering laser hair removal treatment in the next 12 months.
Laser Hair Removal is now the 4 most offered treatment amongst clinics in the UK.
These slides cover:
Consumer Demand for Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Filler, Laser Hair Removal and Vitamin Injections
Estimated Market size for Aesthetics Treatments.
Breakdown of treatments offered by Aesthetics Providers.
Consumer profile of consumers looking for Laser Hair Treatment.