Top Healthcare Trends for 2023

The healthcare industry continues to be at the forefront of innovation, with technological advancements providing clarity for consumers about their own health and delivering deeper insights into a rapidly changing marketplace. 

With recent reports in the news about the strain on the NHS following the COVID-19 pandemic, easing the pressure on our healthcare system whilst enhancing the patient experience will be the focus for the industry. 

In this article, we’ll look at the upcoming and current growing healthcare trends for 2023.

Growth in Private Healthcare

As mentioned earlier, the NHS is under enormous pressure with waitlists for treatments growing everyday, an aging population, under funding and organisational pressures all contributing to its strain. It’s no surprise that we’re starting to see growth within private healthcare, with many patients turning to self-pay in order to get their treatment.

We know from previous research that people are beginning to seek private alternatives when it comes to physiotherapy and mental health services, with the main driving factor for this being the urgency to be seen. 

As this growth continues to happen, it’s important for healthcare professionals to consider this new behaviour amongst patients and offer financing options that will benefit both the patient and practice. 

Machine Learning and AI development

Machine Learning and AI are becoming an increasingly key role in the healthcare industry, providing healthcare professionals with a new set of tools that allows them to handle patient data and develop treatments for chronic diseases.

Companies such as PathAI and Tempus have developed AI technology to improve patient outcomes by providing patients with access to accurate diagnosis and creating a more personalised treatment plan. By leveraging AI, the patient experience becomes quicker, more accurate and focused on the individual. 

The private healthcare industry is a complex market that currently struggles from a lack of data and understanding of how the market is evolving both from a consumer and supplier point of view.

In order to understand the complexity and rise of data in the private healthcare sector, machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are bringing together data points in one place that are usually hard to gather.

Our private healthcare Clinic Profiler and Patient Tracker combine machine learning and our expert consultants to provide a unique dataset and insights that helps you understand the changing marketplace.

Wearable Health Tech

Although not a new concept to the world of healthcare, wearable health technology continues to be a growing trend for both healthcare professionals and patients. 

Continued developments mean that wearable health tech has advanced into more sophisticated monitoring, producing insightful data that allows doctors and patients to monitor their health outside of the doctor’s surgery. 

Our blog, wearable health technology dissects the pros and cons of wearable health tech and what it means for the future of the healthcare industry. 

Medical Wellness

Health and wellness are becoming intricately linked, with medical wellness pushing the practice of daily healthy habits to create better physical and mental outcomes. It focuses on long-term health rather than short-term fixes. 

We’ve seen a huge growth for medical wellness in the aesthetics industry as patients want to look and feel their best. Meaning that patients are now looking to aesthetic practitioners to not only help with enhancing their appearance but to create a plan that provides a holistic approach to their health. 

There is growing demand for wellness, particularly amongst the younger generation as they are more conscious about their long-term health. This is a trend we expect to see grow rapidly, particularly in medical aesthetics. 

Final Thoughts

Technology advancements will continue to elevate the private healthcare industry for both healthcare professionals and consumers, with a particular focus on providing data and insights that provide a deeper understanding of the healthcare industry and experience for patients. 

In order for patients to take their healthcare back into their own hands, people will begin to think more about long-term health and how they can enhance their lives through continued care, this includes wellness plans and seeking private healthcare options. 


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