Profiling the UK Advanced Dermatology Market

In June we released our report on the UK Advanced Dermatology market using data from Rare: Monitor. The report gives an overview of services offered by Private Advanced Dermatology providers, as well as profiling information on the overall category.

Many global market reports estimate that the Advanced Dermatology market is likely to grow in the coming years. It’s a sector that sees constant innovation within genetic therapy, pharma and medical devices. The majority of people in the UK are affected by dermatology issues at some point in their lifetime and with that in mind we thought it would be pertinent to cover the topic using data from Rare: Monitor.

For the purpose of this analysis, we included the following treatments: 

Skin Biopsies, Excision of Lesions, Cryotherapy for dermatology, Electrosurgery, PUVA (Psoralen and UVA), UVB Therapy, Chemical Peels, Microneedling, Dermabrasion, Sclerotherapy, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Laser Pigment removal, dermatology laser treatment, dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, skin boosters, polynucleotides, bio stimulator, CO2 Laser/Laser Resurfacing. Please note, we have removed topical and oral medications for the purpose of the market size analysis, however data on this is available on request.

The stats below is a brief summary of some of the findings from the research.

Highlights from our data:

89% of Providers that offer Advanced Dermatology are based in Urban Areas.

This is important to know for any investors or manufacturers who want to know where to put their resources around the UK

91% of those offering Advanced Dermatology also provide Botulinum Toxin

Advanced Dermatology encompasses a high range of treatment types, and facial injectables are those that see the greatest level of prominence. It will be interesting to see how this changes over time.

96% of Providers are single site operators

The majority of those operating within the Advanced Dermatology market are single site locations, more so than other markets we have measured within the private health sector.

42% are in areas of high household income

For those looking to open clinic locations or to prospect those in the market, then skewing towards areas of higher levels of HH income would be a safe bet. If you want to identify these locations then Rare: Monitor allows you to heatmap the UK by Household income.

The report is now available to download from the reports section of our website.

Source: Rare Monitor Provider Statistics Report - Rare Consulting June 2024. N=7,370.

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