The rise of private travel vaccines in the UK

The rise of private travel vaccines in the UK can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing number of people travelling abroad and the growing awareness of vaccine importance (much attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic).

Why are travel vaccines important?

Travel vaccines are often overlooked by people when booking their holidays, perhaps due to the lack of awareness around certain disease types. However, many of the diseases that can be contracted abroad can range from mild illnesses to life-threatening.

Not getting vaccinated before travelling can also put others at risk, especially those with weakened immune systems, such as children, the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions. Travellers who contract diseases abroad can spread them to others when they return home, leading to outbreaks of infectious diseases in their local communities.

The most popular travel vaccines in the UK

In the UK, it’s likely that HCPs will advise oversea travellers to be vaccinated for diseases, such as Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid and Rabies. These diseases are prevalent in many countries and are likely to be the most known diseases amongst the general public. 

It is essential to note that the popularity of vaccines varies depending on the destination and travellers must consult their healthcare provider or travel clinic for advice specific to their travel itinerary.

People’s awareness of travel vaccinations

According to The Guardian, Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE) has now been found in the UK, as well as Europe and Northern/Eastern Asia, highlighting the need for TBE vaccinations. However, our research has found that 46% of the total UK population have not heard of TBE before, which shows a lack of awareness and education around travel vaccinations. 

A study conducted by a leading travel insurer found that 32% of UK adults did not believe they needed to be vaccinated before travelling to another country. This lack of understanding is dangerous for travellers, as they can contract serious diseases and the implications of which can be severe.

To address this issue, HCPs and travel clinics must improve education and awareness about the importance of vaccinations for travellers. This could include information on the risks of contracting diseases, the types of vaccines available and the recommended vaccination schedule for different destinations. The government can also play a role in promoting vaccination by offering free or subsidised vaccines for specific destinations or providing information on travel vaccinations on official travel advice websites.

Final Thoughts

With diseases becoming more prevalent around the world, healthcare providers, travel clinics and the government must work together to promote educational awareness about the importance of vaccinations, ensuring that travellers are adequately protected before embarking on their journeys. Getting vaccinated before travelling is a simple yet crucial step that can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

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